

he was also fond of posing, regally, on carousel horses.
the balloon is ready, i've tethered it to the balcony with a knot no sailor could invent. ignore the gathering crowd below. plebeians! ...remember how we met? barefoot on the beach (the hem of your dress starched white with salt). i was flying a beautiful kite. ...but we are too old for kites. let us toast the flying club cup, our health, a quick painless death and helium.
i'm going to sleep so well tonight.
breathe in, deeply now, okay do you feel it?
don't worry, we're finally here.
i did not live far from my father. it was my father that lived far from me. my daughter, you sleep peacefully and you do not hear my father's hounds howling.
on cold winter nights cliquot would wander the marais in a purple bishop's robe and mandarin slippers with tiny bells ringin around both ankles.
favorites from my new beirut-the flying club cup-cd cover.
it's kind of beautiful to me.

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