
wedding weekend in instagrams.

it's been a wild couple of days. decorating, decorating, decorating some more, smiling for pictures, preparing food, going going going. it was way fun to be up in WY with the family & to spend some time with people i haven't seen in a long time. that's the thing about college, you drift away from the family happenings. it's nice to be back for that part. the last couple of nights i've felt like bursting from the inside when i say my prayers. i am just so grateful for my family, they are all so strong and beautiful. after everything they've been through and are going through i feel so much respect for them. i can't count how many times i've thought that in my head the last couple of days. i love them all so much.
Kelsi and Trevin! congratulations, i am so proud of you two for waiting so long and staying strong through everything.

you see that orange floral fabric in that picture? that's my new couch :) it's 55 years old and handed down to me from my great grandparents. gah! it's stunning. i can't wait to put it in my house in Logan this fall.

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