
alls i do is post videos. whatevs.

these movies look gooood. Emma Watson in a non HP setting, awesome! and Chris Pine is always lookin fine. one thing i miss about living at home is movies. my family is big on movies and there are so many movies around lately i haven't seen but would like to. 
i miss movies. i miss home.
i'm living in Wyoming for the summer with my grandparents. i work a couple jobs, since nobody wanted to hire me in Utah County for a couple months. life is very different here. it's basically a different world. i could make a list a mile long of how different it is. sometimes all i want to do is go home, but other times i enjoy it here. 
i'm so excited for August to roll around. i've never been much of a summer person. some people are complete summer people. but not me. it has it's perks when there are canyons to climb in and pools to swim in and friends to do those things with. but this summer is different. different, different, different. i couldn't say it enough. life is different.
and it's okay.

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